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화합물전처리,분석장비 CTD 채수시스템

페이지 정보

예약문의 032-770-8735
CTD 채수시스템 CTD Underwater Unit
시설장비활용번호Z-201906039778 시설장비등록번호NFEC-2012-02-153776 시설장비표준분류자동수질분석기
  • 장비활용서비스극지연구소
  • 장비문의 -
  • 예약문의 032-770-8735
  • 이용요금0원 ( 시간당 )


장비정보 Information
  • 제작사명(모델명) Sea-bird Electronics (SBE 911plus)
  • 구축일자2011년 01월 01일
  • 사용용도기타
  • 표준분류화합물전처리/분석장비 > 분리분석장비 > 자동수질분석기
  • 설치장소인천광역시 연수구 갯벌로 12 (송도동) 7-50 F1
  • 장비설명For real-time data collection an electro-mechanical sea cable (single- or multi-conductor) a slip-ring equipped winch and computer for data display and logging are typically supplied by the user. An optional SBE 17plus V2 SEARAM Recorder and Auto Fire Module provides in-situ recording and self-contained CTD operation and can be user-programmed to trigger bottle closure on a Carousel Water Sampler eliminating the need for the Deck Unit conductive sea cable and slip-ring equipped winch.
  • 구성 및 성능1. It is designed for personal CTD bringing numerous improvements in accuracy resolution reliability.
    2. Ease-of-use to the wide range of research monitoring and engineering applications.
    3. Faster sampling and pump-controlled duct system for flow configuration.
    4. More accurate conductivity temperature in depth.
    5. The pump-controlled TC-ducted flow configuration minimizes salinity spiking caused by ship heave and allows for slow descent rates without slowing sensor responses improving dynamic accuracy and resolving small scale structure in the water column.
  • 사용/활용예미리 정한 수심에서 개방 폐쇄할 수 있는 해수 채집병은 원하는 수심에서 해수를 채취하여 센서로 측정한 각종 값을 직접 관측하거나 생물 시료를 채집하고 실험을 수행하는데 사용함
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