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화합물전처리,분석장비 마이크로분말 입도분석기

페이지 정보

마이크로분말 입도분석기 Micro particle size analyzer
시설장비활용번호Z-kitech-00153 시설장비등록번호NFEC-2014-12-195211 시설장비표준분류입도분석기
  • 장비활용서비스한국생산기술연구원
  • 장비문의 032-458-5199
  • 예약문의 032-850-0322
  • 이용요금50,000원 ( 시료수 )


장비정보 Information
  • 제작사명(모델명)Beckman Coulter (LS 13 320 MW)
  • 구축일자2014년 12월 04일
  • 사용용도시험
  • 표준분류화합물전처리/분석장비 > 입자분석장비 > 입도분석기
  • 설치장소인천광역시 연수구 갯벌로 156 (송도동) F5 502
  • 장비설명1. Particle size distribution analysis ranging from 0.017?m to 2000?m based on Laser Diffraction Method.
    2. A variety of optical models available : Fraunhofer approximation, Mie theory and PIDS(Polarization Intensity Differential Scattering).
    3. Flagship multi-wavelengths system (450, 600, 780, 900nm) allowing for a complete solution to the problem of sub-micron sizing.
    4. 132 detector elements and 124 size classes for high resolution and sensitivity.
    5. PIDS system for high accuracy in the sub-micron region by taking 42 individual detection measurements for this region alone.
    6. X-shaped detector array allowing for the most accurate scattering patterns.
    7. Automatic alignment using over 30 detector elements and dark field reticle for high reproducibility.
    8. Multiple sample handling modules for dry powder, aqueous or solvents and minute sample volume are available for various applications.
  • 구성 및 성능1. Method : Fraunhofer diffraction, Mie scattering and PIDS
    2. Actual size range : 0.017?m to 2000?m
    3. Dual Light source : Solid state laser and PIDS lamp(Tungsten-halogen)
    4. Source : Multi-wavelength(450, 600, 780, 900nm) measurement to improve the accuracy on size distribution of sub-micron sized particle
    5. Measuring sample : Suspension, Emulsion, Dry powder
    6. The number of detector elements : 132
    7. The number of size classes or channels : 124
    8. Auto alignment system
    9. Auto dock system: Automatic module change system
    10. Wet dispersion unit :
    - Fully automatic with auto dilution, auto filling and auto rinsing for the ultimate ease of use
    - Analyzes samples suspended in aqueous as well as non-aqueous diluents for maximum flexibility
    - Hazardous waste is Contained in a monitored vessel to avoid spillage and provide safe operation
    - A variable speed pump allows for total dispersion control of your sample, from delicate emulsions to heavy particulates
    - Fluid volume required : 125mL
    - Compatible with organic solvent
    11. Typical analysis time : 15 ? 90 secs
  • 사용/활용예분말시료의 입도 분포 및 사이즈
    대략 0.017μm ~ 2000μm의 분말 입도분석이 가능하여 마이크로단위 뿐만 아니라 수십 나노단위 분말도 분석이 가능
    부수적으로 이중 광원을 장착하여 하나의 광원사용보다 정확하게 분석 가능
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