화합물전처리,분석장비 액체크로마토그래피 삼중 사중 질량분석기(LC-MS/MS)
페이지 정보
액체크로마토그래피 삼중 사중 질량분석기(LC-MS/MS)
Liquid chromatography tandem quadruple mass spectrometer
- 장비활용서비스한국건설생활환경시험연구원
- 장비문의 032-713-5250
- 예약문의 032-713-5250
- 이용요금3,000,000원 ( 건(회)수 )
- 제작사명(모델명)Agilent Technologies (1290 / 6420)
- 구축일자2015년 11월 11일
- 사용용도시험
- 표준분류화합물전처리/분석장비 > 질량분석장비 > 액체크로마토그래피질량분석기
- 설치장소인천광역시 연수구 송도과학로 56 송도테크노파크 BT센터 F7 712
- 장비설명1. The LC/MS/MS System has femtogram-level sensitivity for many application. 2. The LC/MS/MS offers very fast MS/MS experiments without cross-experiment memory effects. 3 Orthogonal spray Ion Source and resistively coated sampling capillary with heated counter-current drying gas are designed for rugged performance, robust system and minimized maintenance. 4. Calibrant delivery system is built into cabinet and under complete software control without external syringe pump for MS tuning. 5. Software maximizes convenience and throughput with features like wide mass range automated tuning, parameter-less integration, automated optimum MRM method search and simultaneous quantitation & confirmation.
- 구성 및 성능1. High Performance Liquid Chromatography
1) Binary pump kit
(1) Type : Two dual piston in series pumps or Micro volume double plunger
(2) Flow range : Set points 0.001-5mL/min or better
(3) Flow precision : ≤0.07% RSD or ≤0.06% RSD
2) Vacuum Degasser (1) Maximum Flow rate : 10mL/min per channel or better
(2) No. of Channels : 4 channel or less
3) Thermostatted Column Compartment.
(1) Temperature range: 10 degrees below ambient to 80°C or better
(2) Temperature stability: ±0.05℃ or better
4) Autosampler
(1) Injection range : 0.1 - 100uL in 0.1ul increments(recommended 1uL increments) Up to
1,500uL with multiple draw (hardware modification required) or 0.1 to 50uL Standard
(2) Replicate injections: 1-99 from one vial or wider. (3) Precision : Typically < 0.25% RSD of peak areas from 5 - 100uL or better
5) Diode Array Detector
(1) Wavelength range : 190 - 640nm or wider.
(1) Main Body 1) High performance triple quadrupole mass spectrometer.
(2) Interface
Capable of analyzing large batches of c
- 사용/활용예1. 극미량 농도 성분에서 고농도 성분까지 신뢰성 높은 정량 결과를 제공합니다.
① 10 펨토그램(fg) 이하까지 고감도로 측정이 가능합니다.
② 측정 신호 값의 재현성이 1%미만으로 정확하고 안정적인 결과를 획득합니다.
③ 감도가 6,000,000배정도 차이 나는 성분들 모두 동시에 정확히 측정할 수 있습니다.
End-user's Use(잔류농약 및 항생제 검사)